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Interests: Fantasy,Sci-Fi, Motorcycles, Extreme sports
Recent Activity
Philip added a favorite at AVATAR
Feb 18, 2010
The Omatikaya will pewpew another clan out of...
The Omatikaya will pewpew another clan out of their tree as the humans showed them to do. Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2010 at AVATAR
Have more snow in sweden :D
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Yes we decided to turn Na'vi... not really it's dead here atm.
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Well all the animals on pandora have its equal here on earth, only things that allways scares me are venomous insects, I can handle everything else, tigers , snakes etc.
So the answer would be I don't like bugs.
Here's a question I may have missed before joining...
Here's a question I may have missed before joining - does anything about any of the Pandoran animals 'squick' you? For me the Viperwolves give me the chills and it's all because of the front 4 feet looking so much like hands (course I was scared to death of wolves/dogs when I was a kid).
You allways sound negative.
Alltid så negativ.
Nothing bad with that just keeps me whonderinf what's causing the anger.
Post idea: If i have to choose a scene it have to...
Post idea: If i have to choose a scene it have to be the "love" scene after Jake became on of the people. 23:10 and i have to get up early i'l see you tommorow when i've thought through my "decisions" of what to do with the situation. Bye ay'eylan. :')
Anyone news in the biology section? Any new ways...
Anyone news in the biology section? Any new ways of growing 3 feet? or going blue without a full body-tatt? Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at AVATAR
Stand up for yourself and stay online if you think it's important.
I do and I live in the same timezone.
Man i hate that it gets crowdy while i have to go...
Man i hate that it gets crowdy while i have to go to bed because it's almost midnight in the Netherlands again!(22:45) it's just not fair! Well, Eywa naghu ma aysmukan sì aysmuke!
Och vad mer exakt är det för folk som jävlas med dig då?
And what more exactly are the kind of people who's messing with you?
Finnaly! I've missed you guys :( hate school,...
Finnaly! I've missed you guys :( hate school, teachers are just complaining anyway. Tommorow i promise to start writing the novel and to be more online :) Unless i have to take some crap from people (again)... I'm to tired of this S**t to talk i'l see you guys after my shower and hopfully i've ca...
Good morning brothers and sisters, Gaia be with...
Good morning brothers and sisters, Gaia be with you all. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at AVATAR
Agreed with FTU
Does anyone know is there gonna be Avatar 2?
Does anyone know is there gonna be Avatar 2?
Gaia's wrath strike upon all evils in this world...
Gaia's wrath strike upon all evils in this world even if it includes myself! //Phill Time to sleep so I can live to fight another day against the ravaging of our lostrous green/blue planet... May Gaia (Earth's version of Eywa)... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at AVATAR
Philip is now following Nì'awtua Txe'lan
Feb 8, 2010
28? No way that's 280 £ roughly counted... I'm having troubles in beleaving that. sorry if youre honest but yeah. A big number.
hey guys what have i missed? just came back from...
hey guys what have i missed? just came back from my 28th time seeing avatar
Well enough mordib thoughts for one day! This is...
Well enough mordib thoughts for one day! This is Philip Eriksson signing off. I love all living things, and if you mess with Gaia you and I will have an issue. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at AVATAR
Who took my cookies?! I want them back! was Dark...
Who took my cookies?! I want them back! was Dark chocolate crums and suggar on them! RAAAAR HULK SMASH oh wait.... NA'VI SPEAR .... Sounds wrong.... NUKE ... wait allmost got it right this time.... I WILL BOMB YOUR PLANET... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at AVATAR
I can be your friend!
Though I'm a guy , and not gay... but I can be friend and a ear that listens and might give some advice.
I say what you need to hear it might be brutally honest so don't get devestated if you don't like what you might hear from me.
Or I could do an litle "shrink" act and play it nice and just listen to your problems and give you some friendly mild manored advice.
Your call.
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Ugly glasses you got in Norway :O In sweden ours have the same collour on both the eyes and are made out of plastic all the way :O
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That's a "Planimal" not an Animal :D
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Philip added a favorite at AVATAR
Feb 6, 2010
Philip is now following Account Deleted
Feb 4, 2010
Well i'm off people ! If you have any questions...
Well i'm off people ! If you have any questions feel free to send me a message. Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at AVATAR
Btw thinking of re-creating that bracelet jake has!
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Philip is now following Account Deleted
Feb 4, 2010
Get this one !
I got it and it explains everything!
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