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Crazy knitter who is married to a man who puts up with it in very good humor.
Interests: knitting, photography, cooking, movies, reading
Recent Activity
Me too, I cant wait to start!!
Of cuteness and temptation
1. Seriously. I know she's my dog, and of course I think she's cute, but I just can't stop taking pictures of her. 2. Stephen West is doing another Mystery KAL - and where am I? I am all on board the KAL train. I just couldn't jump on fast enough. I LOVE the one from last year's KAL, and ...
Looks good to me!
btw, this is really insane, I JUST saw this? It's almost a month old. I am really too busy when I am a month behind on my friends' blog posts. THat's just not cool. Stupid work.
Wordpress Test Run
So I have been fairly dissatisfied with Typepad for a while. Not extremely dissatisfied, just fairly. But I'm lazy and busy and overworked and all of those things, so I didn't do anything about it. Well, I finally got motivated and I'm trying out Wordpress. I'm keeping both blogs up and runn...
Cute little plants!!!
Square Foot Gardening - Week 2
So let's check in with the great Square Foot Garden experiment! There has been no weeding necessary this week and I have only had to water 2-3 times, each time using VERY little water. Its amazing how much its all grown in 1 week, no? I know the bottom row still looks empty, but trust me, ...
The crate cover is adorable, does he love it?
Estelle is looking good, it's gonna be super wearable - 3/4 or full length sleeves?
School De-Stress
So this semester is going to suck with an emphasis on the uh-uh-uck. Not b/c its boring or the instructors are bad, but b/c it will be a ton of work. School started in mid-august. SO that's where I've been. But, as school is entirely online and work is mostly online, my brain begins to pickle...
hmmm, I seem to be off the knitting book review list, I didn't get that email this quarter - can you send it to me? I can just respond back to whomever sent it to you.
Jil Eaton's Knitting School
Look what I got in the mail the other day! The book fairy has been especially nice to me and dropped off an advanced copy of Jil Eaton's Knitting School: The Complete Guide To Becoming A Confident Knitter. This is a great little knitting book for a beginner. In this book, all the basics of...
Dude. That's hysterical!
This Is Made Of Awesome
From Deviant Art - If Stargate Was Made Of Yarn.....
Oh I LOVE - it will be so cute!!
Citron In Progress
Did I mention I started Citron? I thought I mentioned it. I was looking for travel knitting and I thought...Citron. And I had this lovely Schaefer Nichole in Mary Walker Phillips and I figured it would all work out. I cast on just enough to get me started and then off we went to Philly....wi...
Look What I Can Do!
Voila! A Bernina Cozy! Ain't she a beaut! Thanks to Spool and their excellent tutorial/pattern (Philly, I miss you). I had to customize like the dickens as my Bernina ain't a skinny girl and I like a bit of structure to my cozy. Of course I realized this after sewing her up most of the ...
That briar rose is just Sooooo gorgeous, looking good!!!
There Has Been Stuff!
Stuff in progress at least, which is good because its all stuff that I think will actually work. So, I decided to rip, rip, rip out my hourglass sweater because I had seen some results I didn't like and when I went over what I had started I realized that I was knitting it a size too large. I ...
Cattywampus is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
lol - I will definitely thank you for it.
Ravelympics Sweater #1
Eh voila! Sweater number one is DONE! I have 180 grams of yarn leftover, mostly in pieces, but a few big chunks here & there. What on earth do I do with that? Make a scarf? Hmf. So in actual measurable yarn I used 8.5 skeins, but I used 12 in real life. I spent about 3 hours weavin...
Love the quilt, very bright and happy, I'm sure she'll love it!!
Baked Tofu and Finished Projects - Two Great Tastes That Have Nothing To Do With Each Other!
I'm just going to kick things off with a statement. I can now make kick ass tofu AND I've finished a quilt and a sweater. So there! OK, tofu first. I love the kind of tofu you get in a good Asian restaurant. The kind that's crispy and chewy and delicious and I can never make at home without f...
oh that is cute!
Ravelympics Sweater #1
Eh voila! Sweater number one is DONE! I have 180 grams of yarn leftover, mostly in pieces, but a few big chunks here & there. What on earth do I do with that? Make a scarf? Hmf. So in actual measurable yarn I used 8.5 skeins, but I used 12 in real life. I spent about 3 hours weavin...
Christmas Quilt #1 - NO PEEKING BEA!
Bea is my mother in law. She taught me how to quilt and gave me her old and fabulous Bernina which I love to pieces. Therefore, she must receive some sort of sewn/quilted item at Christmas time. Eventually this will be problematic for her as she is already swimming in quilts and she does not ...
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