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Ellen Rowan
North Bend, WA
Hippy mom, tech freak, photo obsessed, recycled bottlecap jewery maker...
Interests: music, art therapy, maine, hanging with my family, hiking, skiing, networking, singing karaoke, making zoomalbums, tie-dying, making recycled bottlecap jewelry, taking my life with me
Recent Activity
So here is the 2011 edition of the Top 10 reasons why working from home in the summer is nearly impossible. I keep thinking that the kids are older and will be aware that when I am on a call,... Continue reading
Ellen Rowan is now following Laurie White
Mar 29, 2011
Thank you so much for your comment. I hear you! I'm trying to set my own goals but am having trouble tricking myself into the concept that it is a "hard goal" and shouldn't be flexed. Life is full of important distractions. It's hard to identify actual urgency for each one. My latest strategy is to put a time on each activity, like instead of writing on the taxes, I'm on taxes for 1 hr. This is helping me break it down to chunks and make sure that my time expectations are realistic so I'm not constantly feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. Seems to be working so far...we'll see, right?
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Hi's so nice to hear from someone else who feels exactly like I do! I'm with you...2011 will be full of productivity and happiness :)
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Yes, self-discipline is the word. It seems like the answer to tons of my anxiety and focusing issues. I have a lot of motivation but not a lot of will-power when it comes to staying on task. Impulsivity often gets... Continue reading
I decided to go green with my Christmas cards again. So here is my 2010 Smilebox scrapbook slideshow to one of my favorite holiday Sting songs... This photo album customized with Smilebox Continue reading
Yes! Winter has just begun...hopefully we'll get a lot of snow! The cold rain does make me yearn for summer too. Thanks for the comment :)
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I'm always looking up...No wonder I have so many bumps and bruised and run into people so often. I swear I can't help it. Clouds yell at me to look at them, take photos of them and appreciate them. I... Continue reading
So a year ago, I posted my Top 10 Reasons Why Working From Home in the Summer is Nearly Impossible! It made sense to start an annual thing since I ran into similar struggles this year. When will I learn...right?... Continue reading
Pull my daisy Tip my cup Cut my thoughts for coconuts Jack my Arden Gate my shades Silk my garden Rose my days Bone my shadow Dove my dream Milk my mind & Make me cream Hop my heart on... Continue reading
Thanks Kathy! I've been going on a lot of hikes lately...very Zenlike :)
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Thank you so much Francine and Theody...following you back now :)
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Thanks Susan! I think he is brilliant, but I am his mom :)
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Ellen Rowan is now following Susan Carraretto
Mar 18, 2010
Ellen Rowan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks you two! I'm completely in love...he's the best :)
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Thanks Kathy! I guess it would be important to use it for it to work...I'm a little off track this summer. Hoping for a fresh start next week when school starts. Let me know how it goes for you and thanks for the comment :)
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