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Ztapenguin is now following Presbyterian Women (PCUSA), Inc.
Sep 17, 2015
Our newly formed circle at FPC of Asheville just completed Lesson 1 of the study tonight. After hearing Judy at Massanetta Springs lead the Bible study for the Summer Gathering of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, I am excited to facilitate the lessons this year. In regards to women who have shaped my faith, my maternal grandmother--Allene Stuart--had a huge impact on me while growing up. She received the Honorary Life Membership Award posthumously. While in PW, Ellen Newbold and Earnestine Wall have been huge role models who have strengthened my faith. Many other PW have shaped my faith while serving as role models during my life in PW.
Michele Simmons
Come to the Waters: An Invitation
I met Judy Fletcher, the author of the 2015–16 Horizon’s Bible study, Come to the Waters, in August of 1987 when she and her husband, David, accepted a call to serve as co-pastors of the church where I was a member. During her six years at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Houston, Judy redefin...
Ztapenguin is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 17, 2015
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