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twhich aye
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twhich aye is now following Hazel
Sep 7, 2011
ahhh... whenever i see open untouched fields, i almost always see 'people' walking through them on their way to somewhere long time ago... ghosts
vines had taken over the little small house in the back... coming in through the ceiling... hanging down. so beautiful... to ME. sis and dad's first action... grabbed clippers and started cutting. aAahHh! i felt hurt! knew it was not realistic to keep, but i wanted to enjoy their beauty (grace-ful lanky vines and little pink flowers) a little longer.
there are beautiful 'weeds' here...
still heavy with love, maybe more so
this acre is pretty much divided in two by the house in the middle. the sides are identified by me as the front and the back. most everyone who passes by, inhabitants of the hood, think of it as opposite. early, i went out in the front and brought down the majority of the kochia, the very st...
beautiful colors and lightness. like sittin in a summer dress on a cool porch fabric. the pots look like they were once alive, now used to hold things.
un-nameable thoughts... untameable. letting them find their way, their place. where they can feel comfortable to raise their heads and speak.
i honestly don't know any way to put the thoughts and feelings into words. they are not about any one specific thing or event, but what feels to me like a kind of blur of things and events. and i am reminding myself that it might just be August. and i think i will let it seep into tomorrow,...
shine to shadow
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Posted Sep 3, 2011 at lowtide
places associated with feelings. DIGital places too. compartmentalizing?. a way i can SEE things. is it too fussy? this place seems easy. relaxed. maybe i will clean up the wordpress. i'm missing the blogspot too. but forward ---> momentum. changes. more action, less thinking. Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2011 at lowtide
all over the place. restless. moving. almost finished with roof patchwork roof first compost made. 2 to 3 weeks in. no stitching. just wishing. Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at lowtide
twhich aye is now following nance
Aug 26, 2011
twhich aye is now following grace Forrest
May 29, 2011
maybe i'm looking with rose glasses, but things aren't like they used to be. honesty and integrity in relationships has really gone to pot, especially since the thing (internet riches dangling on a stick) and 'reality' tv. it seems people use virtuous words more as talking/selling points as opposed to anything real. i see an upside down world.
i've always been afraid of silk, but if i can swing it, i may give it try in the near future. your words have convinced me it must be great. it looks very beautiful. it looks like it lays a little differently. maybe more pronounced and defined?.
truth and experience
...i have never really used silk thread. probably because i just never knew much about it. these new adventures with silk have really opened up a lot of possibility in my work. not just from an artistic point of view...nope, i also have a few new eyes. ...i am playing with a really specia...
a regal king. he seems to be high above it all. so beautiful.
...sometimes when it is raining outside, it seems to be raining in your heart. but there is magic in a spring rain. if you just wait a bit. ...i edged this one in bit of hand dyed fabric from deb lacativa. deb's hand dyes are like a pick me up. they have energy. a little bit goes a lon...
twhich aye added a favorite at what if ?
Apr 23, 2010
twhich aye added a favorite at what if ?
Apr 23, 2010
twhich aye added a favorite at what if ?
Apr 23, 2010
twhich aye added a favorite at what if ?
Apr 23, 2010
wow pretty numbers and fabrics. that indigo velvet is beautiful. this reminds me of those little plastic sliding tile puzzles.
#183: patchwork math
...So what if a nine patch was really an 8 patch ?.... because the middle didn't count... ha! I like the counting backwards effect when you flip it over.. One inch squares of various vintage indigos and some indigo silk velvet in the middle. The mystery patch. I want to make a lot of the...
these are so beautiful... all your feathers float on air.
#184: changing color
What if a feather could blush? Two tones of pink were used her to replace the white. Maybe it is just the blush we know as spring. What if feathers could bloom?
twhich aye is now following jude
Apr 23, 2010
twhich aye is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 23, 2010
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